Jul 14Liked by Richard Shindell

Very cool mix… I love this! Great hook , the descending 4 note piece at the beginning tucked in here and there… excellent. Very compelling song, Richard.💯

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Jul 14Liked by Richard Shindell

You are a real workman, Richard....

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Jul 15Liked by Richard Shindell

AT&T decided they'd give me enough signal to listen from the comfort of my own home! A red letter day.

I confess I began laughing within seconds of the song starting and didn't stop until it was over. The inevitable interview question: "Mr. Shindell, where do you find inspiration for your songs?"

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Answer: on the patio.

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Jul 15Liked by Richard Shindell

Shindell the "Scat Singer"? No words? Say it ain't so! :-)

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Jul 15Liked by Richard Shindell

I appreciate you sharing your insights into your writing process, Richard. I've tried my hand at songwriting and gave up in frustration; it's a demanding art that suffers no fools ... I *am* kind of surprised that you seem to find the lyrics eluding you so often. One of the things I most admire about your songwriting is the often-stunning power of your lyrics, crafted, it's seemed to me, with emotional and evocative precision (Wisteria, You Wait here, Reunion Hill ... too many to list). May these latest birth pangs bring forth a song you feel worth the labor ...

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Jul 15Liked by Richard Shindell

I am trying to imagine what "Transit" would be like with the ferry boat captain version. No Delaware Water Gap. I appreciate your dedication to music and lyrics. I look forward to the new album.

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It was pointless!

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Jul 15Liked by Richard Shindell

Richard, I have been listening to you since the early 2000's. Was scheduled to fly to NJ for a show you were doing when 9/11 happened and ...well you know. Was pleased to see you at the Mucky Duck in Houston maybe a year or so later. I am really enjoying your blogs. It adds another dimension to the you, you put forward in your music. I am sure it's a lot of effort, but please keep it up.

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Thanks Peter. I remember the Mucky Duck. What a great place. Always great energy from the audience. And there was that time I got to do a double bill with Kate Campbell. Love her. Cheers.

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Jul 16Liked by Richard Shindell

Beautiful. I love the layers of sound on this track. As a non-musician it's fascinating to read how tracks are developed (probably the same as when people ask me 'how do you write a book?') and come together. Wonderful to be able to share the journey and gain some insights into the process as well as getting to hear some great music. Loving it!

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Thank you Kim. I marvel at people who write books. Sentences and paragraphs are one thing. A book is another story!

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Jul 16Liked by Richard Shindell

Hmm… that may be true, Richard, but at least I don’t have to match my words to music. Thank goodness or I’d never write anything! Anyway, your songs are stories in their own right.

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Jul 17Liked by Richard Shindell

I heard Tactical several times during the tours in the last few years and something about it never struck the right chord with me, pun very much intended. I otherwise have no musical vocabulary to describe why I like this version more now than I enjoyed it in person. My apologies that I can't seem to communicate it, but what I'm trying to say is, "Yay, well done with this version!".

Having heard you here just singing syllables, I wouldn't object to hearing a sampler version of your voice attached to music that you're loving, but haven't found words for yet.

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Thanks Jenn. I had a night off in North Carolina once. A well known pop oriented singer-songwriter was performing in town. I got a ticket and ended up being introduced. She had sung a new song that night. When I said "I like your new song" she responded, "Why?" Taken slightly aback, I had to tell the truth: "I dunno. I just like the way it sounds". She seemed very happy with that answer.

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Jul 17Liked by Richard Shindell

Your temptation to record, chop and randomise some text sounds like an update on David Bowie's method of writing lyrics lines on strips of paper, cutting them up and rearranging the words into new lines. I wasn't a huge fan of his but it didn't do him any harm! I Iike 'Tactical', it will no doubt earworm pleasantly tomorrow..

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Jul 20Liked by Richard Shindell

I think I found a solution to your problem. Open up a "write lyrics to this song" contest! Premium members only.

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Let us pray it doesn't come to that! ;-)

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