
Thank you Richard for the insight into your process. The wait begins for Christmas morning and to open the present of “New record 2024”. 😊

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IOU. This makes me smile. I stood on the sidelines and watched it all happen. I’m so happy for you.

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I don't understand. Watched what happen?

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May 20Liked by Richard Shindell

I watched you put it all together over the last year. The bits and pieces of a new album, poems, ideas, travels, songs by writers that inspire you, possible covers, Self examinations and reflections. A patient approach to what comes next. It’s fascinating to watch art happening…

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May 19Liked by Richard Shindell

“Shadow, please turn around” is intriguing.

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May 19Liked by Richard Shindell

Well this is bloody well exciting RS.

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Richard Shindell

Thanks for sharing your process. I am really looking forward to the new record. While listening to your Tapping Progression #5 my wife and I made up some lyrics. I know yours will be far superior to ours.

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May 19Liked by Richard Shindell

Can’t wait to see what’s in the Covers folder.

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Yes We Have No Bananas.

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May 19Liked by Richard Shindell

This clip is what it sounds like in my head when I can remember the cadence or melody of one of your songs, but not the words. As others have said, I'm delighted with the idea of New Record 2024! I appreciate this peek into your process; thanks for letting us in.

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Tapping, Tapping the Maples?

I am working a list of 30 now but almost always start with a lyric with a certain rhythm and melodies follow.

Alot of exciting work ahead for you.

Be well.

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Thanks for your response.

When I lived in NH a friend would tap the maple trees for sugar. I guess I should write that one.

I was gifted two of your recent CDs and are enjoying them.

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May 20Liked by Richard Shindell

Loved the tune. Especially the lyrics!😊

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I agree about the lyrics!

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May 20Liked by Richard Shindell

I love the fact you use spreadsheets in both artistic and practical ways. I’ve found them really useful for annotated lyric sheets… way better than word documents. But maybe that’s what’s wrong with my songs… written by a dope that was dumb enough to think that’s a good idea!

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Whatever gets you from one line to the next.

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May 20Liked by Richard Shindell

Hello Richard. I'm the Londoner who sent you a wobbly message on Twitter a while back, following a drunken bike ride listening to your wonderful music. We met briefly after your session at the Green Note in March. Must admit, I'm slightly disturbed by how prosaic your creative process is, but I'll ignore that and look forward to more. Assuming you won't be coming here again any time soon, I'll be in the US from Sept - Dec and hope there'll be gigs with the new stuff. All the best, Glyn

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May 20Liked by Richard Shindell

"Strewn no more". song title?

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May 20Liked by Richard Shindell

Got a kick out of this - regarding ideas (and equipment) ohhhh, and spreadsheets, I admit I must be a bit on the spectrum. As a photographer, I use various equipment and the stuff (different brands) go in gadget bags and cases. Either equipment tags or parachute cord then go on the outside: blue is for Pentax, orange for Sony, yellow for lights & strobes ... well, you get the idea. Saves me a lot of time and trouble when I want to run out the door with the right "kit". Sort of like a sound mixer using colored tape on mics, I guess. Yes, my gear (s/n's, date purchased, value, etc.) resides on spreadsheets, perhaps you do that with guitars & instruments? Lastly, on ideas, I like really REALLY flexible outlining programs that work and bend in different manners, as those ideas change or new knowledge is found or discovered. Something that lets me be rigid when I want to (the written outline) or flexible when brainstorming (the outline can become a "Mind Map" or idea/concept bubble). Best I've found is a program called (appropriately) "Inspiration", out of the UK, or in the USA repped by a company called "TechEdology" out of Clearwater, FL. I hold no stock nor interest in the company whatsoever, btw, other than I enjoy using that deceptively useful, simple but powerful program. I enjoy hearing about your process, can't wait to hear the new record.

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May 20Liked by Richard Shindell

Loved getting a window into your process. I would not have thought of a spreadsheet. I would be less intimidated by Excel if it was called “fairtomiddlin” or “that’ll do”

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I use Numbers because Excel puts me under too much pressure.

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Loved getting a window into your process. I would not have thought of a spreadsheet. There is something wonderfully subversive about using Excel for art. You can see the little 1s and 0s squirm and stammer like they stumbled into an audition for “Rent.” Can’t wait to hear the new tunes.

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May 21Liked by Richard Shindell

I'm way too much of a fan of your final polished product to see where this could be headed. Or maybe I just can't wait. I don't understand the process. Makes me think of laws, sausages, and now, music??? My bad.

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